
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

What Should Be Illegal?

I have always loved children. Their chubby faces and cute smiles always make me laugh. They are the joy of my life. But when I turn on the TV and see them all dressed up with a pound of makeup layered thick on their face and dresses so heavy with jewels I get so mad. How can it be legal for parents to torture their child by putting them through these pageants. It is outright outrageous and should be illegal. Shouldn't the law protect those who can't protect themselves? You see these kids crying on TV because they are tired of being spray tanned, having their eyebrows waxed, and dressed up to the extreme for hours at a time. One might argue that it is the parents decision because it is their child. But these children are humans with feeling, they shouldn't be tortured like this, they need their freedom and childhood back. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


I am the one and only, Willy Wonka, come from Loompaland to tell you a gigantic secret, I just hope it will fit into that tiny ear of yours.  Oh I have so much to say in so little time, now listen carefully. It was delightfully delightful what I saw in Loompaland, where I go to get my greatest ideas. There I was crawling on all fours to view the world from their eyes, those tiny creatures, Oompa Lumpa babies. Now I don’t know how much you know about Oompa Lumpa babies, but they are about 12 inches long. But that doesn’t stop them from protecting their treasure. A chocolate egg, with a center full of fliffer, a delicacy that an Oompa Lumpa only enjoys twice in their life, once during childhood and once as an adult. There I got half of my inspiration, where I would make a chocolate egg full of fliffer. But what to call it was the big question. The name hit me as I was watching the tiny babies. No really it actually hit me. You see there, in the group of babies was a baby named Huzza. He must have been the youngest of them all, for he could barely speak. All he could say was his name. I got so frustrated because you see I can’t focus with little kids screaming all around me so I took his egg. Oh what a big mistake that was. Because the minute I took it, he started screaming loud and then his screams got louder and then even louder. My poor ears couldn’t take it so I gave the egg back. But you see when I tried thinking of a name after that all that the only thing going through my head was “Huzza! Huzza!” Now I couldn't give him all the credit, it was after all my cleverness that thought of creating this new candy. So I decided to call it Flifferhuzza, a candy that will be forever known as my greatest invention.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A Petty, Selfish Complaint

UHHHH!!!! Why do I have to do everything? I have to clean my room, clean the kitchen, do the laundry, and uhhhh. I am only sixteen years old, those jobs are for parents. And then I have to help rake the leaves, watch over my siblings, and then help cook. What happened to America being a free country? Huh? There is nothing free about it, I can't do anything I please. I shouldn't have to do all this, I never asked to be born so why should I have to do everything I am told? I should be able to watch TV, go to sleep, and do whatever I please whenever I please. We're in America, aren't we?

*****Note: This is all fake, I would NEVER complain like that. I thought it would be more fun to show what I believe is a petty and selfish complaint in this way rather than just saying it outright. 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Do We Really Need Graded Tests and Quizzes?

If you are like me, then when a test or quiz is announced you groan. Not because you have no idea about what you learned in class, on the contrary all week you have been participating and doing your work. But it is something about knowing you will be graded that makes your heart beat quicken, your hands all sweaty, and your brain clouded with nervousness. For me it's the worst in math. I have always loved the subject but it has always stressed me out the most. On test day I go in, take the test feeling confident because there were no questions that stumped me. The next day when it is returned, the grade is a 95 or worse a 90. I'me shocked. "Where did I go wrong?" is the only thing that goes through my head. After a quick glance I notice that it was not the concepts that I did messed up in, but that I had written y = ... not f(x)=... or that I did not extend my graph to the end. But are those mistakes so important that my grade should be lowered 5 or 10 points? Is it really okay to give a person an A or A- because they made a silly mistake on a quiz that is only 10 question. It is ridiculous.