
Monday, December 16, 2013

To Mr. Sheehan, the Irreplaceable

I have read my friend's posts and I have cried. We feel the same way yet I also feel ashamed. You have taught us to write yet I can find no words to express myself. Maybe later when my eyes have dried and my throat has untightened I will find the right words. But right now all I can say is Thank You and I miss you.   

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

What Should Be Illegal?

I have always loved children. Their chubby faces and cute smiles always make me laugh. They are the joy of my life. But when I turn on the TV and see them all dressed up with a pound of makeup layered thick on their face and dresses so heavy with jewels I get so mad. How can it be legal for parents to torture their child by putting them through these pageants. It is outright outrageous and should be illegal. Shouldn't the law protect those who can't protect themselves? You see these kids crying on TV because they are tired of being spray tanned, having their eyebrows waxed, and dressed up to the extreme for hours at a time. One might argue that it is the parents decision because it is their child. But these children are humans with feeling, they shouldn't be tortured like this, they need their freedom and childhood back.